This summer, our MA student Gideon Kiptoo took part in the Goethe-Institut Summer Academy, including a visit to the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung (ZLSB) at the Technische Universität Dresden. Gideon reports that the experience furthered his trajectory with German Studies and helped him network with fellow graduate students. He was financially supported by the Department of German Studies and the Goethe Institut.
You can read more about the experience here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/goethe-institut-washingtondc_dresden-teachgerman-learngerman-activity-7211700309499199488-2Ecp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios and here: https://tu-dresden.de/zlsb/die-einrichtung/news/lehramtsstudierende-aus-den-usa-zu-gast-am-zlsb