The Academic Job Market: The Beauty or the Beast?

noon to 1 p.m., Oct. 19, 2012

What does the academic job market actually look like for doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences? How does it work? What are the secret rituals and venerated traditions? How is the job market process different today than it was ten years ago? In this discussion-based presentation, we explore the nitty-gritty of the experience of being on the academic job market, in the hopes of demystifying it for up-and-coming scholars and teachers. Potential topics include: close-reading the MLA Job Information List, writing samples, letters of introduction, working with recommenders, preparing your teaching portfolios, and the "do’s-and-definitely-do’s" of face-to-face and phone interviewing. This event is intended not only for students currently on the job market, but also for those who can imagine themselves "going on the market" in the coming years. We will save ample time for questions and dialogue. Please consider submitting questions ahead of time to Profs. Gramling or Warner at or respectively.
