We and many other German Studies organizations offer several scholarships to support study abroad experiences, internships, and other opportunities that will enhance your German learning. Look below for details and find all UA ones by searching for the scholarship name on Scholarship Universe (search feature in the top right corner).
AATG Study Abroad Scholarship for College Students
This scholarship is offered twice a year by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) and supports full-time undergraduate students as they study abroad. You can find more information on the scholarship website. To view more AATG scholarships that you can apply to, visit the AATG website.
Value of Scholarship: up to $1250
Application Deadline: in February & July
- Full-time undergraduate student enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education in the US
- Eighteen years of age by the start of their study abroad program
- Utilize the funds for study abroad in a German speaking country
- Able to provide proof of acceptance into a study abroad program and submit receipts
- Agree to submit a scholarship report after the conclusion of their program
- Description of the nature of their study abroad program, how this program will impact their studies, and why they are in need of funding
- Unofficial transcript
- Recommendation by a faculty member
Deutscher Studenten Club Study Abroad Scholarship
The Deutscher Studenten Club and the Department of German Studies are inviting applications for the DSC Study Abroad Scholarship to help University of Arizona students fund their participation in study abroad programs in German-speaking countries.
Value of Scholarship: $250-$1,000
Application Deadline: December 1 & February 15
- At least one year of German
- A minimum GPA of 3.0 in German Classes
- Full-time students of Junior, Senior, or Graduate standing in German
Students of all majors and minors may apply, but preference will be given to students officially registered as German majors or minors.
Submit the following via Scholarship Universe:
- A resume or CV
- A one-page letter of application/personal statement in German, stating qualifications, study objectives, and career goals
- The names and addresses of two faculty members willing to endorse the application
- Provide the name of the study abroad program (e.g., Leipzig, Medieval, etc.) and, if possible, commit to having an application for the proposed program of study on file at UA Global/the Department of German Studies
- Supporting material relevant to the application may be appended
This scholarship may be used in combination with other scholarships. Awardees agree to provide a short narrative of their study abroad experiences to the head of the German department upon their return.
Federation of German-American Clubs (VDAC)
Please use this application form and visit the VDAC website for more information.
Value of Scholarship: €800 per month for 10 months (students continue to pay UA tuition during this time)
Application Deadline: December 1
- Have taken at least two years of college German or equivalent by the date of departure
- Have at least junior standing at the time of departure
- Have at least a "B" average in all college courses taken, and "B+" in all college German courses
- Still be an undergraduate during the year abroad
- Be a U.S. citizen
- Not be married (a requirement of the German government)
German Chancellor Fellowship
The German Chancellor Fellowship offers you an opportunity to take the next career step in Germany- irrespective of your field of work. In order to apply, develop your own project idea and find the host of your choice to mentor you. Once your host has confirmed, you can apply for a fellowship. Please consult the program information website of the Humboldt Foundation for application requirements and fellowship specifications.
Application Deadline: between March and October
Value of Scholarship: €2,150-€2,750, depending on qualifications
We offer you:
- A monthly fellowship of €2,150, €2,450, or €2,750, depending on your qualifications
- Individual mentoring during your stay in Germany
- Additional financial support for items such as family members accompanying you, travel expenses, or a German language course.
- A study tour of Germany and a number of events during which you can make contact with other fellows and representatives of German companies and institutions
- Extensive alumni sponsorship, particularly to help you sustain contact with collaborative partners in Germany during your entire professional career
Send an application, if you:
- Are a university graduate from Brazil, China, India, Russia, or the USA and have already acquired initial leadership experience.
- Completed your first degree less than 12 years ago.
- Would like to spend a year working on a project you have developed with a host of your choice in Germany.
- Can demonstrate that your project will be of social significance and that you have the potential to build future bridges between Germany and your own country.
- Work in a sector such as politics, economics, the media, administration, and culture.
The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany is the patron of this fellowship programme. The Foundation grants up to 50 German Chancellor Fellowships annually- up to ten for each country.
Gilman Scholarship
The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. See here for more information and this year's deadline.
Value of Scholarship: Up to $5,000.
Application Deadline: in March
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Be an undergraduate student in good standing at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States (including both two-year and four-year institutions)
- Be receiving a Federal Pell Grant or provide proof that he/she will be receiving a Pell Grant during the term of his/her study abroad program or internship
- Be in the process of applying to, or accepted for, a study abroad or internship program of at least two weeks for community college students and three weeks for students from four-year institutions, in a single country and eligible for credit from the student’s home institution. Proof of program acceptance is required prior to award disbursement
Students are eligible to apply for credit-bearing study abroad programs in a country with an overall Travel Advisory Level 1 or 2, according to the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Advisory System. Certain areas within these countries may be designated within the Travel Advisory as either “Do not travel to” (Level 4) or “Reconsider travel to” (Level 3) locations, as such; students will not be allowed to travel to these areas.
International Parliament Stipend of the German Bundestag
This scholarship supports an internship at the German Parliament. Visit the website of the German Parliament for more information.
Value of Scholarship: €450+ monthly and subsidized lodgings for five months.
Application Deadline: June 30
Application materials
- Passport photo
- The program's questionnaire
- Evidence of advanced German language skills
- Letter of intent in German (max. 2 pages)
- High school and college transcripts
- Two letters of recommendation in German or English on official letter head
Middlebury HSI Scholarship
This scholarship supports students enrolled at a Hispanic Serving Institution (like the University of Arizona) to participate in the summer immersion language program at Middlebury College. Visit the Middlebury Language Schools website for more information.
Value of Scholarship: tutition, room, and board (=total fee) for one summer of any language
Application Deadline: December 15
- Meet all requirements for Language School admission.
- Be currently enrolled full-time (at the time of your application) at either a Historically Black College/University or a Hispanic Serving Institution or a Tribal College/University.
- Show strong demonstrated interest (could include but not limited to previous coursework, volunteer work using language, internship, travel, or study abroad) in any of the eleven languages taught.
- Show high academic achievement.
- Have the support of their home institution.
Application materials
Middlebury Language Schools online application, which includes:
- Application fee ($75 or fee waiver)
- Official transcript(s)
- Letter(s) of recommendation
- A brief essay explaining why you wish to study a foreign language and how you plan to use the language skills you acquire.
- An additional letter of recommendation from a dean, faculty member, or program director indicating that your home institution supports your application for this scholarship.
National Award for Undergraduate Students of German (Delta Phi Alpha)
Delta Phi Alpha offers a one-time scholarship to recognize students who show how they use their German in their studies and their plans for using German post-graduation. See the Delta Phi Alpha website for more information.
Value of Scholarship: $500
Application Deadline: March 15
Oskar Grunow Scholarship
The Department of German Studies is inviting applications for the German Studies scholarship to help University of Arizona students of all majors and minors fund their participation in the summer study abroad program in Leipzig.
Value of Scholarship: $200-$700
Application Deadline: December 1 & February 15
- Currently enrolled at the University of Arizona
- Applying for or enrolled in the Arizona Summer Study in Leipzig program
Submit the following via Scholarship Universe:
- A resume or CV
- A one-page letter of application/personal statement in German, stating qualifications, study objectives, and career goals (a statement in English is acceptable if you have less than a semester of German)
- The names and email addresses of two faculty members willing to endorse the application
- Must commit to having an application for the Leipzig program on file at UA Global/the Department of German Studies
- Supporting material relevant to the application may be appended
Awardees agree to provide a short narrative of their study abroad experiences to the head of the German department upon their return.
SILLC Global Award Fund
Benefits students in good standing who are declared majors in any of the SILLC disciplines to participate in a UA approved study or internship abroad program. See SILLC website for more information, especially this year's due date.
Value of Scholarship: $1,500-$2,000
Application Deadline: in January
ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship
ThinkSwiss offers scholarships for a research stay in Switzerland. Please visit the ThinkSwiss website for more information.
Value of Scholarship: varies
Application Deadline: January 15
- Be currently enrolled at an accredited U.S. university/college
- Be a graduate student or an undergraduate student who will have completed your sophomore year by the time the research stay in Switzerland begins
Provide a written confirmation from a professor at a Swiss university that he/she will accept you for a research stay in his/her group
The UA Study Abroad Travel Grant
The UA Study Abroad office will automatically determine your eligibility for the Travel Grant upon starting a study abroad application and does not require an additional application. Priority is given to study abroad students who demonstrate financial need and have a current FAFSA on file. Travel Grants are awarded at $1,000 for semester programs, $500 for summer, $250 for winter and spring break programs. You can find more information on the Financial Information & Scholarship Eligibility page (see Arizona International Study Abroad Scholarships tab).
Value of Scholarship: $250-$1,000
Application Deadline: Automatic with study abroad application
- Currently enrolled degree-seeking University of Arizona student
- Currently applying to a UA Study Abroad program that is faculty-led, exchange, or attending an Arizona Abroad Location
- Have a FAFSA on file in the current academic year and have an Estimated Family Contribution of less than 8,000
- Must not have received the Travel Grant previously
- Must be willing to help promote study abroad at the University of Arizona or the greater community upon your return; after returning from the study abroad program, students are required to fulfill 5 hours of service by choosing an option below:
- Volunteering at Study Abroad events such as the Study Abroad Fairs, Information Sessions, Gilman workshops or pre-departure meetings
- Share about their international experience through our Study Abroad social media.
Weinel Memorial Scholarship
The Department of German Studies is inviting applications for several Weinel Memorial Scholarships for juniors, seniors and graduate students, majoring in German Studies. The scholarship will be available for the Summer, Fall, and Spring and supports undergraduate/graduate language programs (e.g. study abroad or immersion programs) and clearly delineated graduate research projects (e.g. abroad, at archives, etc.). Applications for study abroad or language (immersion) program funding should indicate whether the student has applied/been accepted. Applications to fund research projects should delineate a specific research project with budget and timeline.
Value of Scholarship: varies, depending on student response and proposed program of study
Application Deadline: December 1 & February 15
- Minimum GPA of 3.5 in German classes
Full-time junior, senior or graduate student, majoring in German Studies
Submit the following via Scholarship Universe:
- A resume or CV
- A one-page letter of application/personal statement in German, stating qualifications, study objectives, and career goals
- The names and email addresses of two faculty members willing to endorse the application
- If applicable, provide the name of the program (e.g., Leipzig, Medieval, Taos, etc.) and commit to having an application for the proposed program of study on file at UA Global/the Department of German Studies/the respective program office
- Supporting material relevant to the application may be appended
Awardees agree to provide a short narrative of their experiences to the head of the German department upon their return.