Antisemitism in the Academy

3 to 6 p.m., April 27, 2022

The modern academy is founded on the assumption that tolerance, equality, and the goal of justice for all serve to promote a fair and open-minded platform for socially responsible research and teaching. Unfortunately, even the university has not been free from social and cultural problems that preclude that tolerance. These problems include antisemitism, a highly resilient and now resurgent form of hatred.

This workshop, with keynote speaker Prof. Jeffrey Herf (University of Maryland) and three University of Arizona panelists, will address the history and current condition of antisemitism as that form of animosity has affected the pursuit of knowledge as an intellectual discipline.

Keynote speaker: Jeffrey Herf: Lies about Jews, and about Israel, and Truths about Antisemitism

Discussion featuring:

  • Albrecht Classen: Antisemitic Stereotypes in Medieval Intellectual Discourses
  • David Graizbord: The Collapse of Augustinian Models of Christian-Jewish Tolerations in the Early Modern World
  • Thomas Kovach: Modern Antisemitism in the Academy: Literary and Philosophical Perspectives