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Calling all German Studies Alumni! Come on out and celebrate the UA’s 100th anniversary of the first Homecoming with us as we honor this year’s Alumnus of the Year, Eric Baker, and celebrate with German Studies faculty and alumni. We will have a full line up of events including this year’s College of Humanities’ Collegiate Showcase featuring Professor Albrecht Classen, a Coffee Cantata hosted at the Poetry Center, and a reception at Café Passe.
Have you ever wondered what you could do with a German Studies degree? Let our Alumnus of the Year, Eric Baker, answer that question for you. As a German Studies alum, class of ‘84, Mr. Baker went on to earn his J.D. from the Roger’s Law School and now works for Starbucks as their Head Corporate Counsel for the Northeast Region. Mr. Baker currently lives in Manhattan but he hasn’t let go of his Tucson roots. He will be our guest of honor as we applaud his prestigious accomplishments and present him with the 2014 College of Humanities Alumnus of the Year award.
To kick start our Homecoming festivities, Professor Albrecht Classen will present this year’s Collegiate Showcase lecture “From the Past to the Future: Why is Germany Doing So Well Today?” Dr. Classen will explain why many countries have struggled to survive the economic crisis in recent years while Germany has fared far better than most. In fact, based on world records of economic success since 1949, Germany is booming ahead. Join us as Dr. Classen explains how Germany’s past perspectives can help us understand modern conditions. This event is free and open to the public and will be held in the Student Union Kiva Room on Friday, November 7th at 2:00 p.m. As part of the UA Homecoming Collegiate Showcase series, this event is co-sponsored by the UA Alumni Association.
Following the showcase, all guests are invited to join us at the Poetry Center for the Coffee Cantata/Kaffeekantate and Poetry Center Open House with the German Studies Department. Participants will be presenting highlights from Bach’s famous “Coffee Cantata” and of course there will be plenty of coffee to go around, courtesy of Starbucks. The Poetry Center will also have German-inspired poetry on display for all to enjoy.
To conclude our festivities, please join us for an evening reception at Café Passe on Tucson’s 4th Avenue. All are invited to enjoy an evening of good food and drinks on the patio while reminiscing with former classmates, colleagues and faculty members. Tickets are $15/guest and students are free and can be purchased here. You won’t want to miss this German fest!