The Early Book Lecture Series XVII is an annual event started by Dr. Albrecht Classen, University Distinguished Professor of German Studies, where University of Arizona scholars explore rare books held by Special Collections.
All lectures are virtual, free, and open to the public.
April 5, 2022
Professor Albrecht Classen, Department of German Studies
Chess and Wisdom in a Thirteenth-Century Spanish Manuscript for King Alfonso el Sabio (Libros del ajedrez, dados y tablas) (Virtual)
Classen discusses how Spanish King Alfonso X commissioned more than one of the most beautiful and impressive medieval manuscripts.
April 12, 2022
Professor Cynthia White, Department of Religious Studies and Classics
The Fox and the Hedgehog: Medieval Animals in Special Collections (Virtual)
White invites us to learn about Medieval Latin bestiaries—books filled with allegorical animal stories and some of the most beautiful illustrations in the history of art.
April 19, 2022
Associate Professor Paul Milliman, Department of History
Medieval Manuscripts, Mappaemundi, and the Making of History with Computer Games (Virtual)
Milliman, a co-creator of The University of Arizona Enhanced Experience for Age of Empires IV video game, will talk about teaching and learning medieval history with computer games, as well as the role early books play in this process.
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Contact person: MAGGIE VEREBELYI (520-621-5117 or