Professional Organizations and Conferences - SILLC Workshop

3 to 4:30 p.m., Feb. 24, 2012

Please join the Department of German Studies, the College of Humanities and the School of International Languages, Literatures & Cultures for the SILLC Professional Development Workshop Series titled "Professional Organizations and Conferences". Prof. Allison M. Vaillancourt and Prof. Albrecht Classen will guide this graduate-student oriented workshop.

Allison M. Vaillancourt is Vice President for Human Resources at the University of Arizona, teaches in the UA School of Government and Public Policy, and serves as a co-principal investigator of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE grant designed to increase the number of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. She also writes for the Chronicle of Higher Education and consults and presents nationally on issues related to human resources, leadership, change and organizational culture.

She received a bachelor’s degree in political science and master’s degree in public policy and administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado’s Graduate School of Public Affairs.

As past chair of several local and national boards and advisory councils, Allison has organized dozens of professional conferences and will share some of the tips and tricks she has learned about making the most of these opportunities.

Dr. Albrecht Classen is University Distinguished Professor of German Studies at the University of Arizona. He has published more than 64 scholarly books in the field of European medieval and early modern literature and culture. Above all, he is the editor of the three-vol. Handbook of Medieval Studies (2010) and the editor of the journals Mediaevistik, Tristania, and Humanities. He currently serves as President of the Arizona chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German and as President of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association.
