Renate Schulz: A Reading from her Mali Memoir

noon to 1:30 p.m., Nov. 30, 2012


Renate Schulz, Professor Emerita, retired from the University of Arizona in 2009, after 29 years serving in the professorial ranks, including several years as Head of the German Studies Department and as Director of the Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT). In June 2011 she joined the U.S. Peace Corps to teach English as a Foreign Language at the post-secondary level in Mali, West Africa, where she became the oldest Peace Corps volunteer in that country. Prof. Schultz will read selections of the journal she kept during her eleven-month period of service, chronicling her experiences, observations, impressions, reflections, challenges, frustrations, cultural insights, and self-searchings during Peace Corps service in Mali, before being evacuated from that country due to a military coup d’état. Please join us for this rare opportunity to visit with and listen to our friend and colleague, Renate Schultz. 
