Talk by Dr. Joela Jacobs on "Fatherland & Mother Tongue: German-Jewish Identity in the 21st Century"

5 to 6 p.m., Oct. 17, 2016

In the midst of increasingly diverse Jewish life in contemporary Germany, a new generation of writers is redefining questions of German-Jewish identity. The descendants of those who decided to remain or return after 1945 mingle with those who arrived in large numbers from Eastern Europe after the fall of the Iron Curtain in the early 1990s. Increasingly, young Israelis and Americans have joined them and declared cities like Berlin their new home. In the shadow of the Holocaust, the decision to live in Germany has raised enduring questions. Moreover, the sustained engagement of German society with the legacy of this history permeates many facets of everyday German-Jewish life. All this has resulted in internal debates and conflicts about what it means to be Jewish, and specifically German-Jewish in the 21st century.

This event is part of The Humanities Festival. For more information please see here.
