GAT Patrick Ploschnitzki and Dr. David Gramling co-author article on the legacy of the German past in film and literature

Jan. 13, 2020

Doctoral Candidate Patrick Ploschnitzki and German Studies Professor Dr. David Gramling co-authored an article in the German Studies journal Monatshefte, a “quarterly journal devoted to German literature and culture [that] offers articles on topics from all periods of German literature and book reviews of current scholarship in German studies [and] has appeared continuously since 1899." The article, entitled 'Aus heutiger Sicht gab’s damals nicht': Jan-Ole Gerster’s Oh Boy and the Frischian Opacity of Vergangenheitsbewältigung, explores how the 2012 German film Oh Boy is just shy of a remake of Max Frisch’s 1954 disidentificatory novel Stiller. It argues that both works are deeply embedded in the context of Vergangenheitsbewältigung as well as Nachkriegsliteratur, with Oh Boy heavily drawing from Stiller in a submerged literary intertextuality as a tool to comment on Germany’s collective dealing with the past at the time of its release. The article can be accessed with a UA login through the library on the Monatshefte website.