On the last day of the workshop “Multilingualism in a Globalized World”, thirteen graduate students and faculty from the University of Arizona, University of California, Berkeley, and Universität zu Köln, Germany, explored Tucson, its surroundings, and its multilingual and multicultural past and present. They hiked in the Sonoran Desert, visited the historic San Xavier Mission on the Tohona O’odham reservation, and enjoyed Mexican food at BK Tacos in the southern part of town. In the five-day workshop, which was part of the DAAD-funded partnership of Germanist departments "Diversifying German Studies", participants learned about empirical research methods to investigate multilingualism, doctoral research in progress, and research project proposals from peers of the three universities. The excursion and other events of the workshop were supported through a Professional Opportunities Development (POD) Grant from the UA’s Graduate and Professional Student Council which is gratefully acknowledged here.
Nov. 18, 2022