September 30 - October 8, 2016
As new technology-mediated forms of interaction, learning, and meaning making have increasingly become integrated into all domains of life, from everyday to academic, foreign/second language (L2) educators and researchers have embraced the concept of Digital Literacies (DL) to frame new understandings and pedagogies. The field of CALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning) has also evolved to consider new technologies as tutors, tools, environments, and ecologies for language learning. Theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical practices have differed, even as goals align. These practices are explored in the theme of the symposium: Digital Literacies and Technology-Enhanced Language Learning: Interdisciplinary Intersections and Interactions.
Complete details about the presentations are on the symposium website:
Registration is free, but it is required for access to all of the presentations. See details on the symposium website.