New publications by Dr. Classen

Aug. 26, 2022

Prof. Classen recently wrote about “Globalism avant la lettre from a Late Medieval and Early Modern German Perspective: The Niederrheinische Orientbericht, Adam Olearius, and Jesuit Missionaries Across the Globe.” The open access article got published in New Literaria: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 4.1 (2023).

Albrecht Classen also published an article on “The Quest for Happiness: From Boethius to Marie de France and Heinrich Kaufringer: The Meaning of the Humanities Today and in the Future" in Journal of Research in Philosophy and History 5.4 (2022). Feel free to have a look, it's open access!

The journal Quidditas 43.1 (2022) features an article on “Communication and Social Interactions in the Late Middle Ages: The Fables by the Swiss-German Dominican Ulrich Bonerius,” written by Albrecht Classen.

We're happy to announce Albrecht Classen's latest publication: With Prof. Peter Boltuc (University of Illinois), he guest-edited a special issue of Humanities on Transdisciplinarity in the Humanities.

Check out Albrecht Classen's article on "Alcohol, Drunkenness, and Excess – Consumption and Transgression in Medieval Literature,” published in Neophilologus (2022).

Prof. Classen's article on “Art, Literature, Manuscripts, Architecture – An Emperor Wants to be Remembered: Emperor Maximilian and the Ambraser Heldenbuch, with a Focus on Mauritius von Craûn" was published in Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 5.2 (2022).

Albrecht Classen recently published an article on "Ein Barocklyriker im Deutschunterricht - are you kidding me? Angelus Silesius als intellektuell und spirituell produktive Herausforderung für Deutschlernende auch und gerade im 21. Jahrhundert" in German as a Foreign Language 2 (2022).

Albrecht Classen's latest article is on “‘Anachronism’ as a Means of Critical Pedagogy: Late Medieval German Verse Narratives as Tools of Social, Ethical, and Spiritual Investigations in Matters of Love” and appeared in BOHR International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 1.1 (2022).

He has also written on "Neid und Hass auf den anderen: Universale Probleme in höfischen Romanen und Verserzählungen des deutschen Mittelalters: Gottfried von Strassburg, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Der Stricker und Heinrich Kaufringer," published in the edited volume Menschen als Hassobjekte: Interdisziplinäre Verhandlungen eines destruktiven Phänomens, vol. 2, edited by Arletta Szmorhun and Paweł Zimniak.

Albrecht Classen has ventured out into a new research area of Icelandic sagas in his article on the rise of rationality and the Renaissance of the Twelfth Century in Iceland. “The Emergence of Rationality in the Icelandic Sagas: The Colossal Misunderstanding of the Viking Lore in Contemporary Popular Culture” is published in Humanities 11.110 (2022), in a special issue on "Medieval Scandinavian Studies Today: Whence, Whereto, Why," edited by Alexander van Nahl.

Communication, Translation, and Community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period: New Cultural-Historical and Literary Perspectives, edited by Albrecht Classen, is volume 26 of his book series "Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture" with De Gruyter (2022). The various studies offer close reading "of communicative issues opens profound perspectives regarding human relationships and hence the social context."

Dr. Albrecht Classen published a new monograph on The Secret in Medieval Literature: Alternative Worlds in the Middle Ages (2022).

Albrecht Classen's newest exploration is about "The Survival of Medieval Literature in the Early Modern World – The Case of Giovan Francesco Straparola’s Le piacevoli notti and Their Medieval Sources," published in the Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science 6.4 (2022).

And if you're up for something less serious, listen to interviews with Albrecht Classen on the Bill Buckmaster show (Dec 21 on holiday book giving ideas and Dec 29 on New Year's resolutions).

In the new year, Prof. Albrecht Classen was invited to contribute to this Friedensanthologie. His essay, in German, addresses the fundamental issues of war and peace today, in light of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, drawing, however, also on his expertise on the long discourse on war and peace in medieval and modern German literature. The book will appear in print soon.