Learn about Prof. Classen's publications in 2024.

Dr. Classen's new article “Exploration of the Self in a Religious-Ethical Context from Late Antiquity through the Early Renaissance: St. Augustine, Boethius, and Petrarch. Past Ideas for Our Future” has appeared in Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts 10.4 (October 2023): 381-410.
Also check out “The Changing Destiny of King Arthur in Medieval Romances and Verse Narratives,” The Monarch and the (Non)-Human in Literature and Cinema: Western and Global Perspectives, ed. Nizar Zouidi. Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture (New York and London: Routledge, 2024), 193-211.
Dr. Classen's new volume with haikus and photos has appeared: Haikus – Hawai’ian Experiences: Poetic and Visual Explorations (Hamburg: tredition, 2024), 41 pp. (photos and haikus); ISBN 978-3-384-13563-6. Available via amazon.de.
His latest book has appeared in print, titled "Der Niederrheinische Orientbericht, c.1350". It is a translation and detailed commentary of a fourteenth-century Low-German work about the Near and Middle East. The text, in Rhenish/Ripuarian German (Cologne), was written in about 1350.
Dr. Classen has translated the book Fritz Häber, The Complete Diary: 16 Months in an American POW Camp by Bernd Häber. The book is now available online: https://www.amazon.com/Fritz-H%C3%A4ber-Complete-Diary-American/dp/1956203427
This just appeared: Haikus: Kleine Poetische Berichte aus Sonora. Mit einer Fotogallerie (united p.c.: 2024); https://www.united-pc.eu/buecher/belletristik/lyrik-dramatik/haikus.html