On Friday 22 March 2019, there will be the annual Spring Fest hosted by the German Department at Himmel Park from 4-6 pm. This year, the Deutscher Studenten Club is hosting a mini Karneval as well at Spring Fest. For those of you who are in German language classes, your teachers should be introducing Karneval to you all in class sometime this week or next week. For those of you not in classes, or for your own curiosity, we highly recommend looking up Karneval, especially the one in Köln.
At our Karneval we will be having a costume contest with prizes for the top three best costumes, as well as a candy toss, and hopefully some public presentations from the DSC and the German Department. Everyone is welcome -- you do not have to be a German student or German speaker. The only stipulation for costumes is that we ask there be no American politics involved, as we are associated with the University. European politics are fine -- and are often a common theme in German Karnevals. Free food, including grilled hot dogs, will be provided for everyone who attends. If you are a student, please ask your teachers about potential extra credit opportunities for dressing up!