5 p.m., Oct. 28, 2021
on Zoom
A chicken with the outline of a bikini browned onto its crispy skin sticks its legs into the air. A woman's naked body is labeled with the names for meat cuts. A plump pig with lipstick and an apron is serving BBQ. Carol Adams' Sexual Politics of Meat (1990) has shown how often meat is sexualized in modern advertising visuals. In these images, both women and animals are depicted as commodities for consumption by men. How do gender and sexuality factor into expectations around eating? And if meat is code for sex, then what about plants? Let's find out how the sausage is made in this talk about sex, food, and interspecies relations.
For more information, see here: https://artmuseum.arizona.edu/events/event/food-sexy-salad-manly-meat