
Learning Services Building 304
Kosta, Barbara
Professor and Department Head

Barbara Kosta is professor and head of the Department of German Studies at the University of Arizona. She is also an affiliated member of Gender and Women Studies and Film and Television. Kosta’s research concentrates on gender and ethnicity in twentieth-century and contemporary German and Austrian literature, culture and film. Her publications include Auf Deutsch! First Year German Textbook (Prentice Hall), Recasting Autobiography: Women's Counterfictions in Contemporary German Literature and Film (Cornell University Press), Willing Seduction: The Blue Angel, Marlene Dietrich, Mass Culture (Berghahn Press). She is the co-editor of Writing Against Boundaries: Gender, Ethnicity and Nationality in the German-speaking Context (Rodopi) and Women Writing War: From German Colonialism to WWI (DeGruyter). She has published numerous articles on contemporary German film and literature, on Austrian literature as well as on literature, film, and visual culture of the Weimar Republic that focuses on the modern woman. She is currently working on a co-edited volume titled All the Rage: Elfriede Jelinek's Passionate Aesthetics of Subversion with her own contribution on the images in Jelinek's play Die Schutzbefohlenen/ Charges (forthcoming 2025).

Kosta received her Ph.D. in German from the University of California, Berkeley. She is the recipient of Fulbright and DAAD awards for her research on German cinema, twentieth-century autobiographical filming and writing. Kosta served as President of the Coalition of Women in German, the Executive Committee of the German Studies Association and the Executive Committee of the ADFL.



Currently Teaching

GER 498H – Honors Thesis

An honors thesis is required of all the students graduating with honors. Students ordinarily sign up for this course as a two-semester sequence. The first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member; the second semester the student writes an honors thesis.

GER 513 – Visual Culture

The course focuses on the interrelationship between images and texts and on images as texts in various medium. Images here are understood as symbolic representations of culture that arise out of social contexts that produce and distribute them both locally and globally.

GER 273 – Wicked Tales and Strange Encounters: German Romanticism and Beyond

The 19th century introduces us to the strange figures with which we have become fascinated: We only need to turn on the TV to find these same fairy tales and magical events, mythical creatures and hybrid monsters, ghosts and other undead. These motifs, their contexts, and their development in the past and present will guide us in our exploration of 19th-century literature, art, and music of the German-speaking countries from romanticism to the cusp of modernism. Taught in English.