Graham von Carlowitz is a PhD candidate in the Transcultural German Studies program. Originally from Northeast Ohio, Graham attended Miami University, where in 2017 he graduated with a degree in German, chronicling Germany's recent migration history in his bachelor's thesis. Thereafter he spent the schoolyear of 2017-18 in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany as an English Teaching Assistant with the Fulbright Program, where he gained invaluable teaching experience and insight in diverse classroom setting. Finally, in 2022 he completed his M.A. in Intercultural Communication at the LMU in Munich, Germany, examining the potency of intercultural competence in U.S. textbooks for German language teaching in his thesis.
Graham's research interests are centered on the practical implementation of an intercultural competence skillset in the foreign language classroom as well as the linguistic (identity) struggles in integrating migrants, though he is excited to explore further fields throughout the course of his studies.