Kenneth Udochukwu Alumona hails from Nsukka in south-eastern Nigeria but was born and grew up in Ile-Ife south-western Nigeria where he attended the Obafemi Awolowo University from which he graduated in 2021 with a degree in French and German. In 2019 during his 3rd year at the university, he received the DAAD Sommerkurs scholarship which enabled him go to Stuttgart, Germany for one month to gain more knowledge about the German language and intercultural experience. While in his final year in school he also served as the General Secretary of the Association of Foreign Languages Students (AFLS) of his department. After graduation he secured employment at the Goethe Institut Lagos in 2022 where he taught German and was a Goethe Zertifikat examiner from the A1 to the B1 level. Kenneth gained deeper knowledge about teaching by attending various teaching methodology trainings at the Goethe Institut. His research interests are on Afro-German history and the role/use of the media and Internet (digital tools) in promoting German as a second language.