Dr. Steven Martinson was born in Washington State and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. He earned his B.A. in German and Political Science at Seattle Pacific University. That program of study included a year at the University of Heidelberg. He was awarded both the M.A. and the Ph.D. in Germanics with a minor in Linguistics from the University of Washington. Before coming to The University of Arizona, in 1988, he held appointments at Northwestern University and the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Martinson’s publications include numerous articles and books on modern German literature and culture. He has published five edited volumes and five single-authored books, among them, Between Luther and Münzer: The Peasant Revolt in German Drama and Thought (Heidelberg: Winter, 1988), A Companion to the Works of Friedrich Schiller (Rochester: Camden, 2005), Projects of Enlightenment: The Work of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Cultural, Intercultural, and Transcultural Perspectives (Heidelberg: Synchron, 2013), an edition of the poetry of Thomas Kunst, The Art of Kunst (2016) with Thomas Kovach (translator), and Nietzsche's Early Literary Writings and "The Birth of Tragedy" (2022). His book, Harmonious Tensions: The Writings of Friedrich Schiller (Newark: UP Delaware, 1996), received a "Choice Award" as an outstanding academic title in the United States (1997). Together with Renate Schulz, he edited a volume on Transcultural German Studies/Deutsch als Fremdsprache (2008). He is a recipient of a research fellowship and summer stipends from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1990-1991 [Marbach], 1999 [Heidelberg], 2005 [Leipzig], 2016 and 2023 [Leipzig]). Dr. Martinson has received two Superior Teaching Awards from the Humanities Seminars Program, the most recent, in 2016, for his course on "Faust." Before retiring in 2018/19, he served as Director of the University of Arizona B.A. Program in World Literature. He now lives in Lutz, Florida.