Chantelle Warner is Professor of German and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona, where she currently serves as the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs in the College of Humanities.
From 2014 to 2024 co-directed the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), a Title VI National Language Resource Center supported through the U.S. Department of Education. She has also served as the Language Program Director for German Studies.
Dr. Warner's research crosses the fields of applied linguistics, stylistics/poetics, and literary studies. She is particularly interested in how individuals engage in creative, playful, and subversive language use as they negotiate complex social and symbolic worlds. This has informed her research in a variety of areas related to applied linguistics and language/intercultural education including...
- aesthetic and experiential dimensions of language teaching and learning
- multiliteracies pedagogies
- technology-enhanced second language literacy development
- literature and intercultural learning
(See a full list of publications below.)
Her most recent book Multiliteracy Play: Designs and Desires in the Second Language Classroom (Bloomsbury, 2024), builds on current discussions of multiliteracies approaches to language/culture teaching and case studies from university-level language classes, to argue for a framework that recognize both designs, the conventionalized ways of making meaning in a language/culture, and desires, the affects and emotions that feed literacy experiences, by centering poetics and play in learning experiences.
Her 2013 book, The Pragmatics of Literary Testimony: Authenticity Effects in German Social Autobiographies (Routledge) examined how linguistic style contributed to the reception of various, thematically diverse (quasi-) autobiographical literary works published in the late 20th century as authentic expressions of collective set of experiences. The sensationalistic and scandalous German autobiographies, which are the focus of the book, provided a fertile foundation for posing questions about what leads readers to perceive an individual testimony as authentic and what that tells us the symbolic struggles at hand. She also explored this same line of inquiry in a series of articles, including a piece published in the journal Language and Literature, “Speaking from Experience: Deixis and” Point of View in Verena Stefan's Shedding,” which was the winner of the 2009 Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) Prize for best article from a junior scholar in the field of stylistics.
Together with Niko Euba, she is author of the textbook Lesewerkstatt DaF: Literatur Lesen Lernen (Klett Verlag) for advanced German learners.
Until 2019, she was a founding co-editor and a current editorial board member of the journal Critical Multilingualism Studies. She also sits on the editorial boards of the L2 Journal, Intercultural Communication Education, Second Language Research and Practice, and the Bloomsbury Book Series Advances in Stylistics.
- 2024. Multiliteracy Play: Designs and Desires in the Second Language Classroom. Bloomsbury.
- 2013. The Pragmatics of Literary Testimony: Authenticity Effects in German Social Autobiographies. Routledge.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals and Annual Volumes
- 2023. With the Pipestone Group [E. Dawson, H. Eldridge, D. Gramling, H. Maxim, P. Ploschnitzki, C. Rieger, J. Ruck, M. Ryshina-Pankova, S. Wailes, C. Warner]. "On linguistic indifference: Notes from a seminar." German Quarterly, 9(3), 378-382.
- 2023. "Can frameworks for language learning be multilingually indifferent?" German Quarterly, 9(3), 395-397.
2022. Playful designs: Multiliteracies and literariness in the beginning language classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 53.3: 704-724. - 2022. With Wenhao Diao. Caring is pedagogy: Foreign language teachers’ emotion labor in crisis. Linguistics and Education, 71: 1-12.
- 2021. With Borbala Gaspar. Project-based learning and the development of translingual/transcultural subjectivities: Case studies from the Italian classroom. Second Language Research and Practice, 2.1: 1-23.
- 2021. With Borbala Gaspar and Wenhao Diao. Enterprising and imagining multilingual subjects: Beyond commodity-centered discourses of language learning in the US. Critical Multilingualism Studies 9.1: 103-127.
- 2021. With Chelsea Timlin, Laurie Clark, and Patrick Ploschnitzki. “Living Literacies in a Märchenwelt: World Building and Perspective Taking in a Fairy Tale Simulation Project.” Unterrichtspraxis, 54.1: 5-19.
- 2020. “Was heißt hier plurikulturelle und plurilinguale Kompetenz?: Vorstellungen von interkultureller Bildung und Mehrsprachigkeit in den europäischen Referenzrahmen und in dem US-amerikanischen Fremdsprachenunterricht.” Deutsch als Fremdsprache (invited contribution to thematic series on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Companion Volume with New Descriptors), 57.2: 67-78.
- 2019. With Diane Richardson & Kristin Lange. “Realizing Multiple Literacies through Game-enhanced Pedagogies: Designing Learning Across Discourse Levels.” Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds (Special Volume on Video Games and Language Studies: Lexis, Discourse, Pedagogy), 11.1: 9-28.
- 2019. “Transdisciplinarity across Two-tiers: Applied Linguistics and Literature in US Collegiate Foreign Language Fields.” AILA Review (invited contribution to a special volume Transdisciplinarity in Applied Linguistics), 31.1: 29-52.
- 2018. “The Value of Foreign Language Learning: From Crisis and Cruel Optimisms to Hope.” ADFL Bulletin, 44.2. (Invited contribution to forum 10 Years After the MLA Report). 111-115.
- 2018. With Kristen Michelson. “Living Literacies: L2 Learning, Textuality, and Social Life" (Introduction to the Special Issue). L2 Journal, 10.2: 3-15.
- 2018. With Beatrice Dupuy. “Moving Towards Multiliteracies in Foreign Language Teaching: Past and Present Perspectives...and Beyond.” Foreign Language Annals, 51 (invited contribution to the 50th Anniversary Special Issue): 116-128.
- 2017. With Diane Richardson. “Beyond participation: Symbolic struggles with(in) digital social media in the L2 classroom.” Engaging the World: Social Pedagogies and Language Learning, pp. 199-226. S. Dubreil, & S. Thorne (eds.), Boston: Cengage.
- 2017. With Hsin-I Chen. “Designing talk in social networks: What Facebook teaches about conversation." Language Learning & Technology, 21.2: 121–138. Available at
- 2016. With David Gramling. “Whose ‘Crisis in Language’? Translating and the Futurity of Foreign Language Learning.” L2 Journal, 8.4: 76-90.
- 2014. With David Gramling. “Kontaktpragmatik: fremdsprachliche Literatur und symbolische Beweglichkeit.” Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 51: 67-76.
- 2014. With Jonathon Reinhardt and Kristin Lange. “Digital games as practices and texts: New literacies and genres in an L2 German classroom.” Digital Literacies in Foreign Language Education: Research, Perspectives, and Best Practices (Calico Monograph), 159-177. J. Pettes-Guikema, J. & L. Williams (eds.) CALICO Monograph Series, V. 12. San Marcos, TX: CALICO.
- 2011. “A Turkish Tale: Genre, Subjectivity, and the Controversy around Feridun Zaimoğlu's Leyla.” Gegenwartsliteratur, 10: 181-206.
- 2011. “Rethinking the Role of Language Study in Internationalizing Higher Education.” L2 Journal, 3.1: 1-21.
- 2010. With David Gramling. “Toward a Contact Pragmatics of Literature: Habitus, Text, and the Advanced L2 Classroom.” Critical and Intercultural Theory and Language Pedagogy, 57-75. Glenn Levine and Alison Phipps (eds). AAUSC Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston, MA: Heinle.
- 2009. “Hey, you! The Germans! Using Literary Pragmatics to Teach Language as Culture.” Die Unterrichtspraxis: Teaching German, 42.2: 162-168.
- 2009. “Speaking from Experience: Narrative Schemas, Deixis, and Authenticity Effects in Verena Stefan's Feminist Confession Shedding.” Language and Literature, 18.1: 7-23. (Winner of the 2009 Poetics and Linguistics Association Prize).
- 2007. With Claire Kramsch, Tes Howell, and Chad Wellmon. “Framing Foreign Language Education in the United States: The Case of German.” Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 4.2-3: 151-178.
- 2004. “It's Just a Game, Right?: Types of Play in Foreign Language CMC.” Language Learning and Technology, 8.2: 69-87.
Book Chapters in Edited Volumes
- In press. With Wenhao Diao. "Language pedagogy and emotion labor: Lessons from the COVID pandemic." In Senta Goertler and Jesse Gleason (Eds.), Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies. CALICO Volume.
- 2023. "Response, aesthetics, and deep learning in the German language-culture classroom." In T. McConachy and J. Shaules, Transformation, embodiment, and well-being in foreign language pedagogy: Enacting deep learning (pp. 153-173). Bloomsbury.
- 2022. With Olapeju Alfred. Literary pragmatics, positioning, and intercultural mediation in the beginning language class: A study in social reading. In T. McConachy & A. Liddicoat, Teaching and Learning L2 Pragmatics for Intercultural Understanding (pp. 83-104). Routledge.
- 2021. With Carl Blyth and Joanna Luks. “The OER life cycle as a template for professional development: The foreign languages and the literary in the everyday project.” Open Education and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching: The Rise of a New Knowledge Ecology. Carl Blyth and Joshua Thomas (eds.) (pp. 158-182). Multilingual Matters.
- 2020. “Retelling Stories across Foreign Languages and Cultures: Literary Imagination and Symbolic Competence.” Narrative Retellings: Stylistic Approaches, 199-215. Marina Lambrou (ed.) Bloomsbury.
- 2020. With David Gramling. “From the Kitchen to Gaza: Networking Spaces On and Offline and Collaborative Imagination.” Multilingual Online Academic Collaborations as Resistance, 165-189. Alison Phipps, Nazmi Al Masri, Giovanna Fassetti (eds.) Multilingual Matters.
- 2019. “Mapping the Texture of the Berlin Wall: Metonymy, Layered Worlds, and Critical Implicatures in Sarah Kirsch’s Poem 'Naturschutzgebiet/Nature Reserve'.” Pragmatics and Literature, 165-189. Siobhan Chapman and Billy Clark (eds.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- 2016. With Malena Samaniego. “Designing Meaning in Inherited Languages: A 'Multiliteracies' Approach to HL Instruction” Innovative Approaches in Heritage Language Pedagogy: From Research to Practice, 191-213. Sara Beaudrie and Marta Fairclough (eds.) Georgetown University Press.
- 2014. “Mapping New Classrooms in Literacy-Oriented Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: The Role of the Reading Experience.” Transforming the Foreign Language Curriculum in Higher Education: New Perspectives from the United States, 157-176. Katherine Arens, Janet Swaffar, and Per Urlaub (eds.) Heidelberg/New York: Springer.
- 2014. “Literature as Discourse and Dialogue: Rapport Management and Emine Sevgi Özdamar's ‘Blackeye and His Donkey’." Pragmatics and Literary Stylistics, 192-209. Billy Clark and Siobhan Chapman (eds.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- 2014. “Literary Pragmatics and Stylistics.” The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics, 362-377. Michael Burke (ed.) London/New York: Routledge.
- 2013. “Gerade Dir hat er eine Botschaft gesendet Contact Pragmatics and the Teaching of Foreign Language Texts.” With David Gramling. Traditions and Transitions: Curricula for German Studies, 209-226. John Plews and Barbara Schmenk (eds.) Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
- 2012. “Literary Pragmatics in the Advanced Foreign Language-Literature Classroom: the Case of Young Werther.” Pedagogical Stylistics: Current Trends in Language, Literature and ELT, 142-157. Michael Burke, Szilvia Csabi, Lara Week and Judit Zerkowitz (eds.) London: Continuum.
Pedagogical Materials
- 2021. With Richmond Embeywa. Multiliteracies at the Museum: A Resource Book for Language Teachers. Open educational resource published through CERCLL (Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy, University of Arizona.
- 2021. The Language Program Director as Scholar. Module for the Language Program Direction Project. Open educational resource published through CARLA (Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition), University of Minnesota.
- 2020. With Carl Blyth and Joanna Luks. Foreign Languages and the Literary in the Everyday: A Handbook for Teachers. Open educational resource published through CERCLL (Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy), University of Arizona and COERLL (Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning), University of Texas, Austin.
- 2017. With Nikolas Euba “Lesewerkstatt DaF: Literatur Lesen Lernen” (textbook for German, Level B1/B2). Renate Riedner and Michael Dobstadt (eds). Klett Verlag.
- 2016-present. With Joanna Luks and Carl Blyth. Foreign Languages and the Literary in the Everyday (FLLITE; fllite.org) (materials archive supported through CERCLL [Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy at the University of Arizona] and COERLL [Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning at University of Texas, Austin].
Other Publications
- 2021. With Beatrice Dupuy. Introduction to the special issue Intercultural Communicative Competence and Mobility: Perspectives on Virtual, Physical, and Critical Dimensions. Intercultural Communication Education, 4(1), 1-5.
- 2019. “Zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden: Graduate School als Lehrerausbildung an amerikanischen Universitäten.“ With Cori Crane. IDV-Magazin (Der Internationale Deutschlehrerinnen- und Deutschlehrerverband) (special volume Deutsch in Nordamerika), 95: 56-61.
- 2016. “Foreign Language Education in the Context of Institutional Globalization.” Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Second and Foreign Language Education, 1-12. Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl and Stephen May (eds.) Amsterdam: Springer.