Titled "Languaging as Refuge: Practice Meets Theory," the new special double issue of Critical Multilingualism Studies (founding co-editors are Professors Gramling and Warner) contains a moving range of perspectives and stories, which Amanda Marie Shufflebarger Snell and Marianna Pegno, this issue's guest editors, introduce this way:
"This volume is powered and empowered by the community of voices that form it, spanning across disciplines, genres, and backgrounds. It features not only traditional academic articles from psycholinguists, literary scholars, anthropologists, pedagogues, linguistic ethnographers, and applied linguists, but also creative work including painting, poetry, photography, and film, alongside practice-based contributions from teachers, museum practitioners, and those coordinating community-based programs. These voices necessarily speak in unique genres, dictions, and terminologies, representing a diversity which is itself a form of multilingualism.
Through the languages of arts and academics, the works depict and theorize experiences of migration and refuge, probing at places where people’s awareness of language is shadowed by pressing institutional or disciplinary concerns.... [T]he contributors to this issue have depicted contexts and employed terminologies with which readers in various other fields may not be familiar, transporting us from edifices in urban Haiti to language classrooms in Corsica—and into art museums, boats, courtrooms, and onto the pages of a US citizenship exam. Along the way, we encounter ways of languaging that are unique and imperative for these contexts. Together, the contributors’ pieces guide our gaze toward places where taken-for-granted terminologies, modalities, literacies, languages and ideologies frame people’s work as scholars."