Feb. 21, 2020
The deadline for the VDAC program, an opportunity to fund 10 months of study in Germany, was extended to March 15, 2020.
Please use this application form and visit the VDAC website for more information.
Applicants should
have taken at…
Feb. 10, 2020
Barbi Marković was born in Belgrade and studied German language and literature in Belgrade and Vienna. She worked as an editor at the Rende publishing house in Belgrade until she moved to Vienna in 2006. In 2009, she caused a sensation with the…
Jan. 19, 2020
Religious Toleration in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: An Anthology of Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Texts
More than ever before do we need the critical engagement with religious tolerance. Historical perspectives allow us to gain…
Jan. 13, 2020
Doctoral Candidate Patrick Ploschnitzki and German Studies Professor Dr. David Gramling co-authored an article in the German Studies journal Monatshefte, a “quarterly journal devoted to German literature and culture [that] offers articles on topics…
Dec. 11, 2019
In December 1984, the University of Arizona Division of Student Affairs created the Centennial Achievement Award to be presented annually. This award is given to two seniors graduating during the current academic year. One of them is studying German…
Dec. 9, 2019
The German Studies Department was awarded scholarships from the Max Kade Foundation to support students who want to study in the Arizona Summer Study in Leipzig Program. Scholarships will be in the amount of $1,000 each and students are also…
Dec. 5, 2019
The Department of German Studies offers several scholarships to support your study abroad plans. We want to make sure that you have funding before applying to our study abroad programs, so we have moved the scholarship application deadline to…
Oct. 31, 2019
Meet us as we're going about a regular day. If you want to find out more about the German Studies community, especially if you are interested in a German major/minor, MA, or PhD, contact us! We are looking forward to meeting you!
Oct. 25, 2019
"There are seven poets who have written poems to light up the little universe of the book: Jane Beal, Gail Berlin, Albrecht Classen, Thom Foy, Katharine Jager, A.J. Odasso, and Katherine Durham Oldmixon (Garza). Each poet has contributed a group of…
Oct. 15, 2019
German Studies faculty, Dr. Janice McGregor, will be an invited speaker at the University of Calgary on October 25 and 26. Grounded in her research on study abroad, the talk will consider how educators and learners manage language learning and use…