
Feb. 16, 2017
Dear student of German, We extended the application deadline for the 2017 Summer Study in Leipzig - Germany Program until February 25 and would like to encourage you to apply. The program will take place June 2-July 1, 2017 and will earn …
Dec. 18, 2016
On Dec. 7-8, nine graduate researchers in the MA and PhD programs of the Department of German Studies presented their original research to a full house of colleagues and peers. Topics ranged from military representations in Eastern German literature…
Dec. 9, 2016
The thirteenth-century Middle High German poet Rudolf von Ems was very successful and created a number of intriguing romances and also a highly popular world chronicle. In his Der guote Gerhart (ca. 1220), he deals with material tinged in ancient…
Nov. 28, 2016
Sharon Dodua Otoo, 2016 Winner of the prestigious Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for Literature, met with various groups of German Studies faculty and students over the weekend of Nov. 12-14, before offering a bilingual reading of her winning short story…
Nov. 18, 2016
Several of our current and former UA Germanists are traveling to Boston this weekend to share their research at the Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), among them Dr. Chantelle Warner, Kristin…
Nov. 7, 2016
Professor Ecke will be one of several invited plenary speakers at CILEX 2016 (the first international conference on foreign languages at the Tecnológico de Monterrey) on November 12, 2016. He will talk (in Spanish) about lexical errors and word…
Nov. 3, 2016
Oceans and Deserts 2017:  Charting Transdisciplinary Currents in Environment and Culture The graduate students in the Department of German Studies at the University of Arizona invite proposals for their fourth annual interdisciplinary conference for…
Nov. 3, 2016
German Master's student Jesse Archbold writes about the rewards of foreign language learning in UA News.
Nov. 2, 2016
The Deutscher Studenten Club (German Students' Club) hosted a T-shirt design contest this fall. The winner, Jenny Lizarraga, describes the T-shirt design as follows: "My explanation for the design is simple: I wanted the shirt to draw people’s…
Oct. 28, 2016
Thanks to all who participated in this Fall's Fisch out of Water, on October 27, at Cafe Passe. With upwards of 50 participants and a new format, this year's Fisch series promises to be the most exciting yet! Join us for our next Fisch on January 26…